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September Starts

Transitioning into Autumn... September can feel like the start of a new year, an opportunity to start with a fresh focus and a boost of energy after soaking up the strong energy from the beautiful summer sun.

Thinking of the opportunity to refresh that September brings, what do you need to add to your priorities? What can you cross off the list? What needs your focus now more than ever?

Has something bubbled up in your thoughts over the summer and now needs your focus and energy as we move into Autumn? Is there something you need to do differently to be looking back on 2022 in 4 months time and be able to say that 2022 was a really great year?

Take a moment over the next week to sit down with a piece of paper and a pen and jot down the answers to those questions, pop them in an envelope and let's open the envelopes on New Years Eve. For me, it's procrastination - I'm superb at it, always something to distract me. I'm going to be using September's fresh start to keep myself in check : )

With our yoga, the time of late summer, as we move through into Autumn, is the perfect time to get grounded and work on those self-limiting beliefs. Our yoga together in September will focus on physical asanas to promote a strong centre and a balanced, grounded, connection.

Looking forward to seeing you on the mat, with love.

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